View Poll Results: Should 2WC join Phoenix?
24 Votes / 80.00%
1 Votes / 3.33%
5 Votes / 16.67%
Voters: 30. You may not vote on this poll
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I am going to accept you.
Just try to post on clan thread and read it. Otherwise I will kick you.
Good morning sweet princess
Hi , my name is ARplayer , my favourite mods are Aikido, Twinswords and Acrojoust. I dont rage so much and i am almost geting to the brown belt , i am a bit shy, i am so polite and i HATE trolls.I hope that you will accept me .I am 11 years old and i hope you can read it .
PD:Sorry for the bad english im from Argentina
Greeting from SouthAmerica

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Last edited by ARplayer; Oct 16, 2014 at 09:16 PM.
I am very determined and can pick up new mods somewhat well. If you could give me examples of what i could add other than game skills i might be able to tell you more i just don't understand your question very well sorry.
Hello My name is Austin on Tori Bash it is proaustin The best modes i play are mushu,akiido,laser survival, and twin sowrds un fortuantly there are no twinswords tournements any more... If you by some mirical ass me i will bring to the table some fresh blood and a upbeat atittude and in my futere if you add me i will have learnd frome you even if the clan gose down in a blaze of glory i will still stay true to my roots but now the secision is yours.
Everyone please try to write your application again because as it is you do not show enough promise for me to just accept you based on your first app.

All of you either don't speak English as a first language or don't seem to know what spelling means. Try harder and do research. You show no indication of having read the first post on this thread which tells you some things to do to increase your chances of being accepted.
Good morning sweet princess
Nationality: white
GMT: Western European Time Zone
Best Mods: runkido,xspar,akido
Old Clans: elf
Why Would you like to join?:i love toribash and phoenix is awesome my favorite animal is panda
A little something about you: im good with art and im a beast at toribash i play toribash on a laptop soon on desktop on a laptop it is hard to play so if i messup im sorry. i found toribash after my nanny past away. this makes me happy so i dont get sad or mad sorry if i don't play as often as i did im still trying to get internet at my new house so i play and look up stuff for school projects at home i play toribash at my other nannys house butt my mom or ganny has to drive me so i dont get to play as often as i did win i first downloded the game :''3
Please include 3-5 replays. spar sammy pandayote : for concon zexzey : dat decap do : skaters : skaters 2 fight back :
thank you for your time bye
Joining Phoenix
Nationality: white
GMT: I have no clue
Belt:yellow but I had an alt 3rd dan
Best Mods:,Xspar, Parkour
Old Clans: None on here
Why Would you like to join?:i was in your betting sever and you guys were so nice and every on here are on diffrent levels
A little something about you: Well I play football And I love toribash I parkour in real life And I also Love to Bet when I have the Tc
clan reasume
so basically im 18 and go to college i enjoy toribash and the physics of the game but im a decent player i mainly play akido and im quite friendly and would like to learn other styles and teach people mine im a blue belt and ranked 84000 or so and i have read the rules so thank you for reading
We are currently looking for better artists and better players to join our clan.

Please be active in the forums.
RedPanda won't fuck his dog