I started playing toribash since Nov 12, 2013 and i've never been in a clan before...I can play really well jousting and aikido. I met moataz123 in a jousting server and i talked a bit with him,he told me that i could join this clan. I also am really friendly and would love to be in this clan.
PS:I've got no alts. Im from Germany
Hello I'm Frozen5 from the usa! I've been playing since 0ctober 2013. My favorite mods are Boxing, and Jousting, I'm rank 30 something in Boxing and used to be in the 30s in Jousting before I took a massive break. My skype is FrozenBeast5 fyi my crappy laptop may not be able to handle toribash and skype at the same time. I've been in no previous clans or had any alts, I'm a black belt, my win percentage is 67%, and the coolest thing I've done in toribash was defeating a guy who was rank 32 globally and rank 1 in boxing but I can't prove it since I don't know how upload replays or access autosaved replays. The reason why you'd want me is because I'm skilled and chill.