I like riding horses but they never get enough. Fucking bitches. -blaj
Last edited by blaj; Jan 2, 2009 at 02:04 PM.
Playing since: 3 week
Mods you are good at: just about all
Why do you want to join woor:IDK i want a clan
Why would we want you?:because im ossum and ossum and uber ossum
Do you have msn/icq/irc?:no!
Anything else to say?: You can't see me because i can't see you! I know otherone
Brought to you by Ramen Ninja
well, you have played 138 games, and lost more than half of them..... idk, ur gonna have to show us a reason to let you in, post a bunch replays, and wait till my whole clan sees them, then we will decide. These replays MUST be good, they must express a deep knowledge of toribash, and must express your fighting style, thanks.

and the replays must be sungleplayer or they could just be random luck


we just meet you ingame <.<

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
tell me when to fight rameninja and i will fight him and kick his a*s
p.s sorry i couldn't post my service is having a lot of problems these days
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
AHM, i know that you are a good person, u are confident, a good follower, and a good member, but please dont go around saying you will kick someones ass =P even if ur joking lol. But, yah, im grounded atm and CANT play toribash, so, i wont be able to test anyone like i used to =)

i think i remember ramen ninja... i think iv played him before?
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ok fogle but the kicking a*s is from you i learned it from you xD jk
ok i wont say it again
i know its bann and play on it(like the saying its life and death lol)
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
i have lost more than 50% of my games too O.o
but thats cause i look at forum while i am playing so i don't concentrate on the game... xD