Very nice replays uloveme
I liked that barrel roll replay.
I finally got that headshot!
Attached Files
Phil - I got the shot.rpl (201.8 KB, 15 views)
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...
Thank you! But I still havent got a airbourne headshot. I'm going try that next ;)
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...
I do skeet shots a bunch. My technique is to just watch the shadow of the head and the shadow if you. Angle is right and go frame By frame and test it by letting go but not clicking space. If you see it its not close enough go 1 frame. Then you realize it's too low just raise arm a bit ;o
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
Osum. Gratz Here are my replays...
Attached Files
biga bada booom.rpl (145.0 KB, 8 views)
hive = win.rpl (76.8 KB, 9 views)
gotcha.rpl (81.8 KB, 6 views)
headbutt decap.rpl (49.4 KB, 7 views)
iranoutofnamesbutitsepic.rpl (66.0 KB, 7 views)
newb capped.rpl (46.9 KB, 7 views)
scorpion kickz.rpl (85.2 KB, 8 views)
sorreh i know ur a gyrl.rpl (62.9 KB, 10 views)
Originally Posted by Toriboomer View Post
I do skeet shots a bunch. My technique is to just watch the shadow of the head and the shadow if you. Angle is right and go frame By frame and test it by letting go but not clicking space. If you see it its not close enough go 1 frame. Then you realize it's too low just raise arm a bit ;o

Thats the way I'm doing it. I'm pressing B and then I experiment and move various joints until I get a good position. I have to train at skeets though.

Too many replays :x
I didnt watch them all but theones I watched were very good
I really like the "upper torso pawned" replay.

This replay is a match between me an Geast :o

It ended up into a bloody nightmare for both of us.
Attached Files
Phil - MP - epicness.rpl (87.8 KB, 11 views)
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...