Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: What would you like to see more of?
Head Textures
153 Votes / 59.53%
Trail Textures
54 Votes / 21.01%
Full Texture Sets
106 Votes / 41.25%
Custom Logos
25 Votes / 9.73%
Custom Avatars
28 Votes / 10.89%
Custom Signatures
26 Votes / 10.12%
Custom Menus
27 Votes / 10.51%
Other - Post it
15 Votes / 5.84%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 257. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

How does this look Sampandora ----> I didnt have time to make it. My roommate made it. If you don't like it, I'll try to make one myself.

sagimeir and go889th need to look at the big, bold, red letters - SOLD. If you want to request a head LIKE those heads then just ask. TomPaine or myself will take your request.

@sagimeir: So you want a head like the flame head right? It will be 1,500 tc if you want it

@naruga44: Go to the shop, click transfer toricredits and type in the person's name and type how many toricredits to send, with a message saying what you want to buy