Originally Posted by
Nah, I don't have that kind of money, ATM I am using paint.net >.< its the best I have. I have been working on one head, then going to singleplayer, looking at it, then going back into editing
EDIT: what background do you use for your movies mac? ( I was looking at your stuff) and where can I get it. also, your shaders look different what version are you using? ( I use shaders as well)
Paint.net is not that great you should try useing GIMP.
Just look for a download or google it.
I used gimp when I used to make heads.
I also have Paint.Net and projectdogwaffle which are great programs too.
I use projectdogwaffle for effects and Paint.Net to make a head more clear or shine.
Note:Stay Smexy.
Smile:That is very true we should start doing some sort of fun events or -ClanWar-
Last edited by materger; Jun 20, 2009 at 09:27 PM.