hey guy's...........................
some really crazy stuff has happened since i last logged in..lol
CRASH if you can beleve me i was not making fun of your sleepover its just how i talk sometimes.. and sorry that it sounded like i was making fun but i was not trying too please forgive me..
doubleboob i never really talk to you so see ya.. you seemed like a really cool guy.. and good luck with what your looking for... if you ever get lost or need some help i kno someone that will help, you just have to try to beleve and have a relationship with HIM..
FAPTASTIC!!!... i'm going to miss you... you helped me alot and invited me to your very pristiges clan... thank you very much for treating me like i was already apart of your little fam... hopefully see you around..
0w3n... for the short time i was here we've had our good times and bad...
you were a good leader for me[us] and it was fun playing with you... hopefully see you around too..
as for the future of this clan i going to join [dsc]banana inless someone wants to convince me to stay.. and FAPTASTIC!!! there is alot of tc in the mfrbank if this clan doesn't need it i would suggest you take it or give it back to the people that donated so it doesn't just sit there... [maybe you could use it for your new clan]
its sad that it came to this but you all that were here originally knew it would come eventually...
Jesus Loves You All... thanks for the fun yall
EDIT:that ryhmed hehehehe
Last edited by 54321LOL; Feb 1, 2011 at 04:43 AM.