If the zed wants to wait years and centuries to use his ult because of qss means he either has the iq of a drowning fish or has a great play with his teammates in a Skype call. If you only use qss on a zed ult, well that's just dumb, the outplay level of qss is amazing. Even stopping a small cc like a miniature Janna tornado could win you a fight.
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
hey guys, kinda confused on this but should you give up your life trying to steal dragon?

I've gotten a lot of mixed responses, and I realize it was really good when dragon gave gold but is it worth to flash into the pit with no way out hoping to take their dragon?

I'm looking at the stats some of the drags give you and killing yourself for something like a 5% movement speed increase seems pretty stupid. But my friend swears by it.

I know it is circumstantial (ie: 5th drag), but generally should you be going in knowing you'll probably die? I've seen teamfights break out afterwards where the main dmg goes in to steal but dies, and the remaining 4 get steamrolled by the buffed enemy.
Last edited by MrJingles; Feb 8, 2016 at 04:25 AM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Evaluate the situation.

Stuff to weigh (+ means go in, - means piss off):
+ the enemy is low
+ early in the game
+ you have an execute (lee sin q, elise q, nidalee q, etc.)
+ your team is alive/outnumber the enemy
+ 5th dragon for either side
- late in the game
- lack of execute against an execute
- last man standing
- 2nd or 4th dragon
- you have buffs
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
>QSSing a knockup

please stop being completely retarded

Not to be devil's advocate but you can qss knockups (for the most part)

it doesn't let you move and you're still in the air and shit but you can flash and use things
Originally Posted by Lane View Post
Not to be devil's advocate but you can qss knockups (for the most part)

it doesn't let you move and you're still in the air and shit but you can flash and use things

No, you can't. That was a bug that was removed before season 3 started.
Stealing dragon is entirely situational. Obviously if you die and you're your whole team at the moment, that opens the other team to get bounty gold from you as well as have an edge at other objectives for the time being. Trust your own judgement; the better your awareness and judgement, the higher elo you probably are.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I've actually taken QSS against Yasuo for this reason, but I thought it was only a Yas thing.

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That's a really cool video of bugs that were supposed to get removed a long time ago.

Try it yourself. It isn't intended to work like that. Google it, there's multiple redposts from the old forums confirming it.