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1. Yes I did post replays!
2. I did talk to pwn (he is my apprentice)
3. Twin, I want them as soon as possible tomorrow (to my lumpysolo account, I get unbanned tommorow!), and i need the tc so I can finish buying my texture parts!
Ok... here is some things I dont understand.

Lumpy why are you getting mad. Pwn already told you that your replays where bad and could not use them.


Originally Posted by urmybch1 View Post
Pure: Dude about that DSC clean up I would like to see that type of system in our clan it would bring out the good parts of this clan and not bring out the bad parts for the council to see and report.

What you mean, Plz post this in define this is detail in IRC. And that conversation with weds you made lumpy that was IRC worthy not post on DSC worthy. (But most likly P.M. needed.) and Instead of posting JOIN IRC, just PM me.

If i could make a suggestion?
pure asked me to help out with the clan, and keep an eye on the posts and such. I know its hard with only one thread for all your posts.
but, i have been on your IRC for 2 days now. I have seen pure, and 1 other person.

If you all would join the IRC whenever you are ingame, or on the forums, or even if your just sitting on the computer on your facebook,
you can make the forum less cluttered, and talk about the less important stuff on IRC.

Its just a suggestion, you can listen to me or you can ignore me lol.
My clan, TLL, has forum activity and IRC activity mandatory, so we can talk about little things, and even urgent things that cant wait until they check the forum.
and it works out pretty good. hope to see you all in IRC
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Okay well first of all... it is only 2 more hours until I am unbanned ! And secondly Bch I have a mission for you! I need you to tell me who has been inactive for the best week! And Twin you can send me tc (Only if you want) to me in 2 hours! ! I will post right away when I am unbanned! Pure you should put all the people under the "Unknowing" under the dark side as shadows! Anyways! We have sent in the app. And we are hopefully going to find out if we are official or not between April 6-18th! If we don't get official we shall not give up!
I will be looking over all the things that could be considered useless and/or spam. I will post the persons name and what page its on so it can be deleted. This might take a day. Making the list now.
The First Blade Pierces the Flesh
The Second Blade Pierces the Soul
And, super-high quality!
ok mastah! anybody that wants to be in it say I.Thx
Last edited by pwn3ddude; Mar 23, 2011 at 02:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
^Weds you see that there buddy SPAM.

Now I have been seeing all there players cards out there and I want to show you what I have made:
deck22f7169590d159a5855f7cae87282ea60f08e4a8.jpg deck408cdad59c541b932e8bca00ea2dff6bc71443cc.jpgdeckd2a8f041efe524a9ab3830facf9167473c5fe2f2.jpg
if you like it I will make more for all members, Just send me a biographpy about your self. And a pic if you want. And I wll make the card. ^)^ we ganna have a DECK of cards.
Last edited by thepureone; Mar 23, 2011 at 03:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Here is my bio:
A ldr of puredark! Purgatory rests in his hands! His co bch at his side! He is one of the oldest pd members! When moons collide a friction is made, shards run down from the sky for aid! A figure is born and is the flame that lights hope! A dreamscape and an orb of dreams! Also known for his breakdancing moves
Favorite move: custom punch
Attack: 45k - 95k in the first round!
^as you can see I added lumpysolos card to the list. If there is anyone else plz. PM. Me there bio and a image. (I will make it if you to lazy)