Hey guys, this is Bercat's alt. Just letting you guys know I got banned for four days for decap rigging. Even though I didn't. Anyways here's my ban appeal.
Hello. I'd like to inform you that I did not in fact decap rig the ltbets decap prize on August 10th, 2014.
Here is how it went: I was playing on the ltbet server and bought a nudge. I won a few games then lost. Inatural and simga, who were hosting the server had a trivia that I won a free nudge in for answering the question correctly. I was nudged up. Streaked for 6 or so games and finally encountered inatural. I had never spoken to inatural before today on that server. We grabbed hands as usual for this kind of server. Me and inatural head butted each other at the same time, but I had a lower hit on his neck and his head came off. He reset the game, and started to play again. I told him that if he did not let me decap him, I would report. He, having common sense let me decap him. Following that was an overbearing amount of spam about decap rigging. I continued my streak until almost everyone cleared out of the dead server. I played until I lost. Apologized to simga and inatural for killing the server and left.
I would not intentionally decap rig a server. I feel that action to be unfair and unsportsmanlike.
If do not feel as if I'm telling the truth, you can ask inatural and simga for approval.
Thank you for your time.