Originally Posted by
Honestly can't carry from the jungle as nunu in bronze dude. Ganked all 3 lanes and got each lane a kill or 2 ahead before like 15 minutes. Ap udyr comes out of the jungle basically even with me in cs (80~70) and my team just takes a series of shitty fights and throws. I'm sitting over here 1-0-6 with 2 tank items and apparently i cant do shit even tho we have a malphite and yasuo because my team has no fucking teamwork. WHYY. Oh well ill be silver soon, 4 more games. Like our adc wasnt even dying(vayne), I have no idea how they managed to lose fights. We were like 3 towers a dragon and 8 kills ahead. whyyyyy. It's like i stomp lane every game but i can only carry on anivia.
There's your problem.
The entire point of nunu is to make the enemy jungler more useless than you are, which it sounds like you failed at completely.
You aren't being aggressive enough and are trying to play Nunu like Elise or Lee Sin. My average Nunu game is something like 2/1/18. Nunu fucks bitches, and you can't fuck bitches if you aren't actively counterjungling and counterganking. Also, 80cs at 15 minutes is godawful. You're taking some really inefficient jungle routes. The marks I try to hit are ~80 by 12 minutes, ~155 by 20. Anything more than that is gravy, although it isn't always possible as it really depends on the game. Another big thing I want to touch on is soaking waves. Nunu isn't very level dependent, a 1 level higher Nunu isn't that much scarier. If your laner is missing from lane as a wave crashes into their turret, it doesn't always mean you should soak it. It really depends on the map. Has the enemy jungler recently backed? Then it's probably fine because your lanes won't be punished if you show. But then again, it's bronze, so they'll probably punish themselves to compensate.
Also something that applies to Nunu that doesn't really apply to other junglers: taxing your lanes isn't something you want to be doing. You should only really be in lanes to countergank, shove a frozen lane into turret to bounce it in your laner's favor, or to help your team push/zone the enemy team from a turret your team wants to take.
There's too much to cover in a single forum post, but the point I was trying to make was you're playing Nunu completely wrong.
Take it from the Best Nunu NA™
Hope that helps
Last edited by Hyde; Feb 15, 2016 at 09:58 PM.