This game sucked the life out of me
Before that game actually, I was farming hard in the jungle every game, but the last 2 games before that all my goddamn lanes broke down before 10 minutes some how and it scarred me. I'll try to stick to counter jungling safely though. I need to get my recall times on point so that I can keep up my counter jungling pressure instead of taking the first buff away and then never returning. I need to work on my cs in general though, I think my average is something like 6.5/min in mid and 4.5/min in jungle, although im normally like 5 kills ahead in mid lane, but still.
Edit: Hey hyde would you mind telling me what you think optimal runes are for nunu?
Shiv is better to take now that RFC and Shiv were changed.
RFC is the safer pick, but it does less damage now. Don't think armor pen was needed, at least more than you needed magic resist.
Where was this Tyzi when I needed it most? I'm surprised you weren't all like, "Wow dude you're so stupid should bought Shiv." Fyi, I have no idea what to build on Vayne.
Also, now that I'm not pissed, I see that magic resist would've probably cut my deaths in half. I was too worried about killing Darius since he had 300 armor and he was the only threat that was hard to deal with when I'm alone. And oh boy was I alone a lot.
I didn't get magic resist because I thought me dodging and interrupting LeBlanc's abilities was enough. It definitely was if it wasn't for the fact that Morgana's R > E > Q are enough to 1v1 me. Seriously, I think those shackles into zhonyas fucked me the hardest.
Replay if you want