Originally Posted by TyZi View Post

ignore my score and shit let's talk about how my buddy has 570 cs

I hit ~730ish on pre-rework morde at about 45 minutes once. 570 at that point in the game is expected, with all the splitpushing he's been doing.
no, he never had time to splitpush because our towers were never there lool, we had to sit in base and fight them with an open nexus like 3 times

we were actually losing pretty hard, because thresh and zac didnt know how to use their spells defensively for their lux and vayne

he just had to defend open nexus while we took other objectives, since they had zz'rot and banner (try killing banner minions with only autoattacks on singed)


yea this guy is free wins
Last edited by TyZi; Feb 28, 2016 at 01:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

No Offense, but I am very much doubting the fact that you got 730~ish around 45 minutes. I haven't seen anyone get there, the most I have seen was around 600.
Originally Posted by UlyssesSG View Post
No Offense, but I am very much doubting the fact that you got 730~ish around 45 minutes. I haven't seen anyone get there, the most I have seen was around 600.

I was essentially pushing 3 lanes at once. Harvester of sorrow got to the point where it would shred a wave with 1 use and I started walking between whichever lane had the biggest wave and clearing it after letting harvester of sorrow clear mid. It was before the baron changes, so it was mostly just defending inhib turrets and inhibs, getting something like 35 cs a minute.

Anyways, the absolute highest I've ever seen was about 890 at ~55 minutes by a Ziggs. The further the game goes, the easier it is to inflate your cs score.
I'm stuck at 20-30 points in S3 for now. Win game, lose game, lose game, win game aaaand so on. Might give panth a spin, I remember playing quite a lot of games in season 4 with him in jungle.
I'm going to attempt to make everyone rage at me:

It's not about skill. All you need is Guinsoo's Rageblade and you faceroll on your keyboard and get pentakills. No matter the champion, rush Rageblade for freelo.

The proof is in the pudding.

No, but in all seriousness, Kido got 2 pentakills in one game using Lulu top with rageblade.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Actually your right, right now Rageblade is one of the most OP fucking items in the game! Any champion can utilize it and get fuckin pentakills man
Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
I'm going to attempt to make everyone rage at me:

It's not about skill. All you need is Guinsoo's Rageblade and you faceroll on your keyboard and get pentakills. No matter the champion, rush Rageblade for freelo.

The proof is in the pudding.

No, but in all seriousness, Kido got 2 pentakills in one game using Lulu top with rageblade.

face roll? With guinsoos all you need to do is right click once and stare at the imminent "Pentakill" sound. Make sure you have duskblade too for that delicious pop.
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
>be panth
>do panth shit, gank left and right, have 4/1
>bot feeds, try to stay there as much as you can to keep them from feeding
>you're midgame monster, it goes well, 28-15 in team kills
>get to around 30ish minute
>find out your team CANNOT FOCUS AT ALL and olaf is never there for teamfights
>kata gets few kills and starts becoming a problem
>your team still cannot focus even though you're literally screaming via chat what they have to do
>lose after 40 minute mark

pic rel
I'm mad as fuck, went from 3/0 to 6/3/3 to 11/13/11, trying to stay on top of kata but eh, cannot win 1v5.