Originally Posted by liaxo View Post
Pulling a rainbow is when you leave your friendemies in suspense and don't tell'em what they want to know
That was an unexpected and unwelcome smiley there, I'd say.

Friendemies. Hmm. No but you're a great person and you love me a lot so you'll treat me better than I treat you. I know that. You're gonna tell me the kinslayer's story.
Originally Posted by ItsZombie View Post
I am left with a great fulfillment of confusion

Of course because when the megaminds are chatting, Zombies and such creatures will be left in confusion
You sly hound...
I'll tell you when I'm home from the airport, too æøå of a story to write on a phone
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
Oh are you in the airplane now ? Or are you in the airport in Norway already ? What is the name of your city in Norway ? Hope you make it back home without losing anything of your outfit. BTW my mobile was stolen like two weeks ago in it all my important things. And it was stolen from my pocket without me noticing that. They are so professional.
I was on the train going home from the airport. I live in Oslo, but now I'm leaving again to go to the lover in the night.
Sorry about the phone babbu, and you'll get the story, it's just that the bootychase can't wait, as they say.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
uhh. the clan's members list is full of names that I've never heard of although I've been a member since 2010 I think. And non of us plays Toribash that much. I'd love to play with any of you guys anytime you like though. I hope we all meet online and play it would be fun really.
Originally Posted by rainboweye View Post
uhh. the clan's members list is full of names that I've never heard of although I've been a member since 2010 I think. And non of us plays Toribash that much. I'd love to play with any of you guys anytime you like though. I hope we all meet online and play it would be fun really.

really, we should. many are inactive but not too many. we have a good 5-6 people that would play, probably.
Skul, kyou, panda, leaf, rain, zombie, and me.

Those are the 7 people that exist in this clan + Hush being a moral support coach on the side. The other 9 members in the clan hasn't said anything on our borads in a long time, and have been AFT since times ranging from April 2012. Kyou also gone for 3 weeks now.

I guess 6 good people that could play are everyone but me, but getting them all to play would be quite an achievement indeed.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
Dirt quality grinding? lolwut there is no such thing...
I tend to forget about Toribash forums..

A lot of things going on with me right now that don't care to explain and I forget to check up on things because I'm too busy worrying about something else.
I would play Toribash, but to be honest it's extremely boring unless playing with others.
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