Well selling your starting item depend on whatever you're doing actually

You can start with a basic sword and 3 pot then upgrade the sword to something else.

But if you have a doran blade or a corrupting potion, you shouldnt really sell them, the corrupting potion per exemple is quite useful on AD champ since when you use a charge, you deal Magic DoT on auto, and for the doran, it give a little bit of HP and lifesteal, that can be useful in some matchup

Per exemple in a Zed vs Zed matchup, most zed start with a sword, but the actual best starter is a doran since it give you a bit of HP.

Anyway it's going off-topic x)
French Player, Old member of OFRO

be on the rat-a-tat-tat gun --- slow a bitch (w) --- trap a bitch(e) --- right click a bitch --- smileyface a bitch(r)----ez

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Almost, but not enough.
If only they'd follow sometimes, rip.

Entire team behind
Constantly tries to force engages
200 CS deficit

Well there's your problem

If you were really far ahead, it might not have been a terrible idea. Here's some constructive criticism: Aim to have a lot more farm. It looks like you traded approx. 175 farm for engaging teamfights.

Jarvan is heavily reliant on being far ahead as a laner. You build a lead and then you use it. You're trying to skip the building a lead part. Your ADC had a massive gold deficit too, so you can't rely on that dude for followup because their support is basically as fed as him.
Last edited by Hyde; Mar 12, 2016 at 11:05 PM.
You're probably right but eh, I got two kills and roamed for the rest of the game, without farming at all, got those CS in the meantime. I left my lane for good around 13 minute mark (with 81 cs at that moment, bot already turretless) since team score was something like 2-11 and getting worse. Forced a dragon and two teamfights, got up to 7/2 but I couldn't be everywhere and with everyone, especially lux liked to farm alone, away from the rest of us, dying to khazix every time by overextending. We eventually got it to 29-33, volibear tried to force baron in 4v3 situation but we were too low on hp while they had full bars, which ended with 1 for 4 exchange with me killing ez and the rest dying to kha and that pretty much set the game for good. Last tf, trapped 3, rest of the team ran away, died, they pushed all the way up to nexus.
I could stay and farm, maybe, but that'd end with one won lane with turret taken vs bot and mid pushed all the way to inhis.

edit: meanwhile, same story once again, win lane lose game, I have no luck for teammates tonight :<
Last edited by Powas; Mar 13, 2016 at 12:56 AM.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
You're probably right but eh, I got two kills and roamed for the rest of the game, without farming at all, got those CS in the meantime. I left my lane for good around 13 minute mark (with 81 cs at that moment, bot already turretless) since team score was something like 2-11 and getting worse. Forced a dragon and two teamfights, got up to 7/2 but I couldn't be everywhere and with everyone, especially lux liked to farm alone, away from the rest of us, dying to khazix every time by overextending. We eventually got it to 29-33, volibear tried to force baron in 4v3 situation but we were too low on hp while they had full bars, which ended with 1 for 4 exchange with me killing ez and the rest dying to kha and that pretty much set the game for good. Last tf, trapped 3, rest of the team ran away, died, they pushed all the way up to nexus.
I could stay and farm, maybe, but that'd end with one won lane with turret taken vs bot and mid pushed all the way to inhis.

Kills aren't the only thing that signifies a won lane you know. Everyone's CS is garbage across the board. If you have perfect cs in that game, you essentially make up for 10 of the kills they got alone. And I'm not suggesting not participating in fights at all, you can participate in fights and get perfect farm if you play around wave spawns and wave control.

You don't need to rely on your team to do anything, especially when both teams are so poor across the board.

Also, let me explain the concept of roaming. It might seem simple but to do it right is not exactly easy. Each of your roams must coincide with the waves. If a wave is just coming in, you don't want to be roaming. Waves are essentially free gold. Roaming is essentially a gamble that may or may not get you some gold. Waves are guaranteed gold. You want to roam without costing yourself any waves by doing so. That said, as a top laner with TP, you can afford to miss a wave or two if you can get something big done with a TP gank.
Last edited by Hyde; Mar 13, 2016 at 12:58 AM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Kills aren't the only thing that signifies a won lane you know. Everyone's CS is garbage across the board. If you have perfect cs in that game, you essentially make up for 10 of the kills they got alone. And I'm not suggesting not participating in fights at all, you can participate in fights and get perfect farm if you play around wave spawns and wave control.

You don't need to rely on your team to do anything, especially when both teams are so poor across the board.

Also, let me explain the concept of roaming. It might seem simple but to do it right is not exactly easy. Each of your roams must coincide with the waves. If a wave is just coming in, you don't want to be roaming. Waves are essentially free gold. Roaming is essentially a gamble that may or may not get you some gold. Waves are guaranteed gold. You want to roam without costing yourself any waves by doing so. That said, as a top laner with TP, you can afford to miss a wave or two if you can get something big done with a TP gank.

Perfect example, I was playing anivia into veigar, pretty good matchup for the bird. j4 and their support camped the fuuuuuck out of me(i had bad wards tbh was my fault) and veigar got to something like 4-0-3 at 15 minutes, but, he had 25cs or something like that because he was roaming and focusing so hard on kills. I was 0-3 with like 120 cs and I ended up carrying the hell out of the game ending like 17-5-11 or something because I was just so much stronger than veigar. Got the easy shutdown kill trading my passive and snowballed from there. Cs+zoning your lane opponent(unless ur jg) off cs is something that is easy, and will win you games. It's much better to make your lane/jungle opponent useless than to be 10-0-0 while your team feeds.
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