Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Belt: 5th Dan

fave mods:Wushu,greykido

reason for wanting to join:I wanna be a Prototype because its suitable for me,
cool clan,Honest One.

Previous Clans:Gods of Dark Omegas

GMT and Country:+6 and Bangladesh

Age: (13+):16

IRC/Forum/Ingame Activity: (Hours per day)
:Minimum 4 Hrs a day

Other:Good at texturing.


vote yes
i sav he in game
hi is good
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
NO he is NOT in.
If these kinds of nabs r let in Im out.

Last edited by cowmeat; Dec 6, 2009 at 01:34 PM.
whay u always say:
NO!!!!!!! if (blablab;ab;lailer) I am out
u are makeing my fucking angry!
wait for nathan decision.
anyway: i dont like hes replays.
(if murray akcept ur aplication)koy i will test u in game
Last edited by EeE33; Dec 6, 2009 at 01:49 PM.
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
whay u always say:
NO!!!!!!! if (blablab;ab;lailer) I am out
i are makeing my fucking angry!
wait for nathan decision.

Why are you always saying:
NO!!!!!! if (blalalalalala laa etc.) I am out.
You are making me so fucking angry.
Wait for nathan's decision.

You are like emokid...
(nathan u know what it mind)
be mature dude.
i will respeckt your opinion but be mature...

he saying no but i saying Yes
wait for Murray Nick and other members vote.
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
man u see hes belt u see hes active in forum...
i sav he ingame (he is good player)
i only dont know what is with hes reputation.
and i never get upset very easily.
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers