Originally Posted by seargentit View Post
Age: 15
Belt: Black (Soon to be 2nd dan :3)
(GMT - 7:00)
Past Clans: Ethreal, Undead, Drugged, Hawk.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): I can make people laugh, I suppose. I haven't really developed any form of skills inside of the passive brink of Toribash

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): None. I don't think.

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): Not a single one.

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): I'm mainly an Aikido player, but I have my roots in Wushu, And Lenshu; I can Spar pretty well, and do some Parkour, too.

About Yourself: I am a percussionist. I have been playing drums for 9 1/2 years, and I love it! I am a complete band geek, and you'll probably hear a lot of proof of that, if you guys accept me. I live in Ayala, California. I play in WGI, if you know what that is I am a snare, So I clearly love anything that has to do with speed; Cars, Guns, Racing, Drums. ANYTHING. I am a nerd, at that, also. But an athletic one. I am a Cross-Country runner, and I wrestle, too! I feel I just wrote an Auto-Biography, so I hope you like me, so far!

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: Because you guys are so mature, yet so laid back. You're not stupid, and barely put together like half of the clans on TB. I like how fun you guys can be, yet also so demanding. You also seem to play a lot of the mods I do, because I see your members a lot.

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo]: Become a generally good TB player; Grow and prosper through your great knowleg- Just kidding. I like you guys a lot. You're all very good at the mods you do, and that makes me wish to learn from you. And maybe even get close. I like a new friend. They seem to run short these days, you know? This society sucks; It's good to meet great new people like you guys. Also, Because I have noticed I am making these paragraphs a lot longer than necessary, I PROMISE I will attend to every clan war I can. I mean it, Guys. How can you deny this face? :3

Aside from having no real special skills and don't seem to know any members in eVo at this point in time I do like your application, However your display pic makes me sad.

all in all I'm 75% in favour of you joining evo and 25% just sad.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Name: James
Belt: Orange (4th Dan Alt) Sorry I do not have the power withing me to say who i am at the moment
GMT: northeastern usa
Past Clans: None
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Im good in events such as tournaments, Wars, etc.

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): As I said, I cannot disclose this information now

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): None

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): Wushu, Spar/ Freestyle type mods

About Yourself: I am A dude, and I like Tacos. That is Mostly all. I love to make replays and spar/trick with people because every time you figure out how to land something different that looks real nice and you meet great people to hang out with. I am looking for a good clan, I KNOW will still be alive in a year or so and that i can stick with for a LONG time.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: It is a good clan, and it is well known. I am almost positive this clan will be around for ever. The members are fun to hang out with. (I know some on my other acc, like cacrot and d3monz who I have not seen online in ages !) This is exactly what I'm looking for in a clan. It also is an epic title to see infornt of your name ;o

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo] I plan to accomplish my goal of being one of the best in toribash history such as largekilla/d3monz/mocucha but not for video editing like mocucha just yet. I plan to help if anything keep the clan alive as long as I can because I would never leave this clan.

Here is some of my replays (Most are in process) And Plata only put the set-up for that replay edit
Attached Files
testing flips.rpl (192.6 KB, 4 views)
platabear edit.rpl (140.1 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by DesertAir; May 4, 2013 at 12:18 AM.
tripstone ill pm you but please don't speak of it to anyone. I don't wish for anyone to know but you are the owner of your clan, I'll tell you in-game. jo Evo
Originally Posted by Daxx View Post
Name: Richard
Age: 15
Belt: Custom
GMT: -6
Past Clans: Tint, eVo,
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Videos and Marketing

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): Had a name change in 2010.

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): None

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): Wushu, tk, and aikido.

About Yourself: I enjoy gaming and talking to people. I've also won the Toribash World Championships of 2011, and have been in Team Sambo for a year or two.

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: I've become well acquainted with a good amount of eVo members, and want to get to know all of you even more. I also would like a clan to call home, and I believe that this clan is right for me.

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo]: I wish to represent eVo with outstanding gameplay and respect.

[eVo]|Order of Taekkyon|2007
Originally Posted by DesertAir View Post
GodzVital. It's a long story

Hi, Godz. If you want to apply for eVo, you have to show us that you want to be a part of our family. In a family, we don't hide things from each other. Please explain why you're using an alt.
My main was banned. I am restarting now though. Over my ban I realised my other acc is hated a bit and i am regretting stuff i had done as a noob. such as pissing chill people off. I was banned for making a joke with vodka who took it the wrong way...I just want a fresh start from everything
Originally Posted by DesertAir View Post
My main was banned. I am restarting now though. Over my ban I realised my other acc is hated a bit and i am regretting stuff i had done as a noob. such as pissing chill people off. I was banned for making a joke with vodka who took it the wrong way...I just want a fresh start from everything

I know I am no member of the clan, But I am voting on a 75 % yes for him; Atleast he provides a reason, And from the looks of it, wants a clean slate. He seems like a decent guy.
I didin't actually beat her.