i want us to all make it into eVo
i want to tell you guys that if miner made me choose i get into evo or bloom get into evo, i would choose bloom becuse i care about everyone and there feelings and i want all of us to be happy and i would give my happyness to another person, Thats true happyness
Last edited by M0nsoom; Aug 1, 2014 at 09:09 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I would do the same thing, bloom all the way. jk. But seriously, you are right, I do want all of us to make it in eVo although that is unlikely, it would be sad to see even one of us getting denied.
and yes it would be sad becuse if i got in and charm dident id be sad. how know, mabye will all make it , gl to all tryouts, if i dont make it or u dont make it, i still wanna be ur guyses freinds