Don't know if you can understand French but yeah
Basically was 1v1'ing a 12/4 Jhin as a 2/3 Yasuo.
Both having the same amount of CS
I played around with him using my wall, dont mind the way i used my flash but i knew i would be dead if i didnt used it ^^'
Anyway, quick stuff
Post Scriptum : That Jhin is currently Gold I, I should start getting ranked some days.
Anyway, since they removed Sated from the game, as a Yi main this is my duty to find a way to play Yi in this 6.9 Patch of Doom.
And i've pretty much came out to this global build path
Skirmisher Blade's - Warrior / Blade of the ruined king (Seriously, who need Razorblade when you buy this item ?) / Guinsoo
Then i'll fill up the empty slots with Tabi/Mercury or any other set of boot and some tanky item.
If there's an annoying tank in the enemy team i'll get a Dominik to teach him to not play around with Yi
Pros :
Good damage burst
More early damage (Upcoming Yi E buff will make it even more stronger)
Dont really need to reach late to do stuff
Cons :
A bit too sqyshi
Snowballing is slower
Less lifesteal
Last edited by HawkeyeTFA; May 13, 2016 at 01:00 AM.