Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Hate View Post
I am.
Also, something weird happened involving me and origin, anyone wanna hear it?
So, i decided to go into my alt and see what people think of origin, most people didn't say aything bad, but one person said something along the lines of "Origins not bad, but theres one fucker i don't like, the asshole who rejects almost every app, he's so cruel and negative, he needs his own [Negative] clan " Something like that, not word-to-word correct.

well to be positive and just say your vote as A No no need to reject :3
Originally Posted by Hate View Post

please dont do to much of this.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
im back, sorry I couldn't tell anyone I was going to be missing I had kinda sorta broke my phone which is my own personal way of posting on the forum. but I got a new phone and ill once again start posting often
Master is my love, Origin is my life.
ok so someone in the skypechat yesterday had a good idea it was that the people with war perms team up with people who doesn't have war perms and these 2-3 man teams scout toribash looking for wars. something like:

Master, Jensson, EPICNESS84

Hate, Optimus, slaybelle

bercat, idreams,

MrSneaky, Twisters, FireFox20

mercykiller, hosted

(these would not be the real teams just a recommendation of the teams)
these teams would be chosen carefully and be based on their relationships with each other and their ability to communicate well and their fighting skill levels. these teams would be for warring smaller clans or clans that we know for a fact we can beat that but are still higher. larger teams would be needed for larger and longer clan wars and the teams can be joined together if necessary.
Last edited by Fates; Aug 29, 2014 at 01:56 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
Well we should have a certain time everyday we do a war so people busy come for the time,

Also what was this post for O.o

I understood,
Um I can communicate with Jensson,bercat..
we should have everyone wright down who they think they can work best with.
the teams can consist of a max of 3** members in each team the following is required.

(1. 1 member with war perms
(2. At least 1 member without perms
(3. A member whos responsibility will be to post the outcome of the war the team participated in
(4. GMTs that are within at least 1-2 hours of each other (or about as close as you can get)
(5. absolutely no long term (weeks-months*) in-active members are allowed in the grouping BEFORE the final decisions are made.

after everyone writes the members down the groups will be decided based on common knowledge of their teamwork. and their average GMT. the groups are subject to change due to these factors so when you write them down please be fully aware that they may not stay that way.

*members that have posted in the in-active thread about when EXACTLY they will return may be placed in the groupings
**may change if there are still members left over that want to be placed in a group when there are not enough war perm members to create a new group
Last edited by Fates; Aug 29, 2014 at 03:58 PM.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
To be honest, I like the look of that Hate, Optimus, and I team. But anyways I'm fine with being on any team.
My time zone is EST (UTC, -5)

edit: Take into account my usual play hours tend to be from about 8am-12pm and 6pm-2am