Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Oh yeah dude, Tyzi showed me that a few days ago and I was like, "Nah m8, Im the best Yasuo"

I then proceed to watch the montage and I was like WTF IS THIS SHIT?!

That guy is french, he's from my own fuckin country.
Now whoever will tell french player sucks, i'll link him to ArkaDaTa.

Today, i pulled one of the biggest comeback i've ever done on my Yasuo.
Full Game avaible here

Watch the game with to enjoy that comeback from hell

So basically everyone was feeding and not me, i was focused on farming and doing my stuff toplane then noticed we had the jinx that went afk and we were hardly loosing.

I then manage to roam and shutdown every single fuckers i met, Ashe, karma...playing my best to litteraly solo carry.
Enjoyed the fact that the enemy team was aroused by my yasuo skills :^)
"You are so cancer, but you are good yasuo indeed"

Heeey Lmao.

So anyway, if someone wants tips or help on Yas, PM me, since i'm around 150K on him Right now.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Aren't you Gold?

Anyway, how the fuck do I lane against Malzahar? I hate this motherfucker beyond words. Can't fuck him much early, you are gonna die level 6 unless you outplay him, and you have absolutely no chance against him late game.

P.S. I haven't played Yasuo for like half a year.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Reta View Post
I didn't quite grasp how that new mastery stuff works. Someone cares to explain?

Yeah the official explanation is quite wordy but I'll break it down.

To get level 6 mastery your champ must be level 5 already. From there you must get at least S- in order to receive a token. You need 2 tokens plus 500 blue essence, or a champ shard of the same champ in order to get mastery 6.

To get level 7 is similar, but I believe you need to get 3 tokens and in order to obtain a token one would need at least an S or higher. With the addition of 600 blue essense.

Imo the level 6 one looks better though so I won't be cashing in for level 7 anytime soon.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Malzahar struggles against poke. People like Ziggs or Xerath, who can waveclear well against him and pop his passive from a safe distance and aren't reliant on an upfront all-in combo typically do fine against him.

Kassadin also does alright in the late game against him, but that's on principle of being mother fucking Kassadin.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Kore View Post

just sayin

of course account trading is not allowed I do know that. I got an account from a friend now
My Fan Club|†Custom Belt†|†Proud Piratez Overseer and Chest Keeper†| Click or Die|
Do What You Want Cuz A Pirate Is Free. You Are A Pirate!!

Hell Yeah, 6th Vladimir Mastery.

In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Originally Posted by Lust View Post


All you need to do as nasus is hyperfarm your stacks. If he won't push your lane under tower (which makes stacking sooooo easy) then just harass him with your slow and if he's close enough for you to smack him, go for it.
I haven't played for a patch or two so I can't really say how to lane against the new Vladimir, but I assume it isn't a crazy amount different.
I think I might be retired.