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Aren't you Gold?
Anyway, how the fuck do I lane against Malzahar? I hate this motherfucker beyond words. Can't fuck him much early, you are gonna die level 6 unless you outplay him, and you have absolutely no chance against him late game.
P.S. I haven't played Yasuo for like half a year.
Countering Malz as Yas isn't that hard.
Basically stack you tornado as often as possible and land it the most often as possible ; Yasuo dash can be used to escape the voidlings and the Malz Q since you can dash his own voidlings.
Try to harass him the most as possible before he hit 6 and kill him to slow his snowball. I usually start Boots + 4 pots VS Malz or with a Doran shield.
You can also ban him in champ select, that's faster lmao.
I was gold back to the end of Season 2 and the Early Season 3, where gold player WHERE actually gold. Then i just quit ranked, tired because it was becoming more and more shit with people starting to get to division they shouldn't be.
I mean the actual ranking nowadays sucks so hard, I've seen Plat player being almost better than a mid Silver player, the only great player that are still in their elo is the D1 and all the Challengers / Masters (At least in EUW).
I'll probably try to climb to D5 before the end of the season just for the fun, shouldn't be hard, already reached Plat 2 on a smurf playing only Yi lol.