But how does it measure somebody performing well? What stats are being used to determine somebody doing well in that role? If it's unknown how each stat influences your performance rating, how are you to know why you're performing better than anybody in that role? I've had games on support Blitz where I go 9/3/13, ~40% kill participation, drop like 40 wards, and get a S, but I have games where I go 13/0/26, ~80% kill participation, and drop like 90 wards, and get an A. Objectively, I'm performing significantly better with the A game, but some stat is being given some amount of weight compared to everything else. And that's ridiculous, why should my success in a role be determined by what Riot decides is valued in that role?
A detailed system doesn't mean it's an effective, or even an accurate system. For all you know they could just be using a weighted RNG system seeded by the KDA ratio of a Bronze player in Korea divided by the number of Ardent Censors purchased in the last hour on the Oceania servers, and you would be none the wiser. Because it's all hidden behind a curtain, and the results are anything but predictable, let alone logical at times, it breeds animosity towards the system.
I would say a detailed system would mean effective. It is just detailed in ways we don't understand. The more detailed the data collected and recorded, the more accurate the information. If they are collecting every piece of data from the game you just played, then the scoring system is fine pointed.
I decided to fuck everybody I Play with and only Play soraka and illaoi from now on.
I will not Support with soraka tho.
lust: play kat for 24 hrs and see how many pentas you get, it's not hard
your whole kit has basically no cd.. good job?