Originally Posted by Hygencide View Post
I somehow got this from

Hydro-Pump - Hygen <.<

and the after word cide.
Like genocide.

Like death by water!

Then shouldn't it be Hydrocide? Or using your name, "Hygenocide?"
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Meh, wasn't really hard. Just too lazy for anything longer.
Last edited by sir_old; Mar 3, 2010 at 05:09 AM.
Simple text signature
I've used it since i started playing multiplayer games (around 7 years ago)
I had bad imagination back then so i used madboy. And it changed a bit, now its MaBoY or MaDBoY94 where ":" isnt allowed
EDIT: stupid smiley ruins my name on forums...
"Your ad could be here"
Pandora is my destiny!
i lack imagination i just choose initials then added an x for awesomeness
Supermans X-ray vision, Americas #1 cause of breast cancer since 1982
i use to be a big time stoner... and i was smoking with my bong... thought about it and decided black water...

im also an otaku or sorts, so i looked up the translations for each word and got kuromizu.

i also go by tsubasa, which means the wings of a bird. it was given to me as a nick name form a exchange student from japan.

and my lower belt account chaos gaia i came up with when i was thinking about greek mythology and how much i use to read it.
Leader of [IN]
<3 Rappunk
i had a friend called jeremy. and once we all got high, and he started to pretend to be a dinosaur, then my other good friend kyle said in a painfully slow voice "it's a jezzasaurusrex" , i awoke the next day and thought to myself, this headache is shit, but then i recalled jezzasaurusrex, and decided that breno (derived from brenton, my real name) sounded cool as a prefix than jezz, hence. Brenosaurusrex
I play a lot of paintball, usually with a couple of my mates, danny and james. danny is really fast, johnson is fat, and i am sneaky. Therefore, we call each other Twinkletoes, littlejames and shadyface.