here. offer on the stuff
it will be cheaper than deal finder


Aqua Relax X2
Aqua force
Aurora force
Hot pink relax
Ivory force
Ivory relax
Gladiator force
Marine force
Marine relax
Maya relax
Mysterio relax
Plasma relax
Shaman force
Supernova relax
Toxic relax
Viridian relax


Acid blood
Gladiator blood
Maya blood
Velvet blood
Ivory blood
Orc blood
Persian blood
Magnetite blood
Viridian blood
GABIEL: Deal, sent 2500 TC.

Slk: Toxic Relax, 7k

Toxic Relax, 7k
Ivory force, 6,5k
Viridian relax, 10k
Acid blood, 7k
Shaman force, 7k
Mysterio relax, 6,5k
Plasma relax, 9k
Supernova relax, 6,5k
Maya blood, 2,6k
Last edited by Dodekus; Dec 13, 2009 at 06:11 PM.
platinum relax 10k
supernova relax 19k
rayclovis collectors card 25k
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]