Hello, my name is Urichunt2 and im looking to join [cop]. See I was setteled in legion when tehcaek invited me to [VIP] I saw my toribash future in front of me and when tehcaek told me i could become manager I had to say yes. Then this morning I got a pm saying you are now the ldr of vip and that its dying. I look on the board and all the members a quiting. Then RIP VIP for good. Then Since cop was a very good ally and i though why dont i test my luck with these guys. Im a third dan black belt. Wushu ,Aikido are the mods im good at. Im freinds with tehcaek in real life so I can contact him. I know some of you guys . We have meet ingame. Well I may not be able to texture or have all the tc and items ,but I will always give you guys a hell of a laugh.