Christmas Lottery
Okay this is gonna be a fun game for some clans if they want to join it! It will be happening in the TLOD IRC and will be hosted by lumpysolo! The idea is basically a court! Except there is a twist. The charges will be real tc and the topics are going to be fake. What happens is there will be 2 people main people going against eachother. They will each choose a lawyer (someone from your own clan) and shall go against the other clans lawyer and defendant/prosecutor. Each clan will do a court 4 times. 2 as a defendant and 2 as a prosecutor. I lumpysolo will be the judge. Keep in mind I will not favor a clan. I will be honest. The jury will consist of the clans that are participating clan leaders. This means leaders cannot be a defendant or prosecutor. I will have biggems and LTomZH as my "co judges". To join your clan must pay 3,000tc to lumpysolo. The total money will be split into the number of team playing and each will get an equal amount. Please post on the TLOD DESC (link below) or PM if needed. I hope your clan can make it.