Basic information
--Nickname prefered- tuarz
--Belt(must be at least a brown or a realy good blue belt)- Blue Belt, I consider my self good for this rank
--Time zone (GMT)- New York
--Favourite mod- Judo or aikaido
--Why you want to join- I want to join because I am looking for a nice clan that has classes for the newer players and has a nice look to it. Also because the people look friendly.
--About yourself (anything we should know)- I am mature and a fun person
--List the languages that you can speak fluently- Spanish and English. My first is english.
Yes or no questions
--You are willing to obey all the current rules,(if so, write"I agree with the rules") with exceptions of the ones you have good reason not to obey (if so, please explain)- I agree with the rules
--You have more than 10 posts- No because 1. I have played for 3 days but had an account for about a month and 2. I dont feel the need to comment on every skin that I like. I only post when I fell I have/need to If I am accepted i will be active and post more.