Christmas Lottery
guys i must announce something that is painful for me to say
its been a fun ride but i have felt you have never been putting in any effort toward being official
so it is with a heavy heart that i resign from Lightningfencers to make my own clan with Friends488
hopefully we can still be allies
all the best,
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
Ok. And you leaving helps get us closer? How much does it cost to become official again Naruto?
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
No offence. But did you know you got -9. I think you must be doing osmething wrong. hMM?
[200] QI until 10th dan black
5 year vet of Toribash!
well im not leaving for real, but like on the temporary side so i can get my clan up and running.
I will still have the L_F tag on. I hope that you can still consider me a member
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
An honorary member?! I'm an honorary MUFFIN. I think we should do that. "For those who have shown great valor and bravery in the Ring." Or "would Fight for Food."
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
We really need to wake up and get alive guys. Otherwise I wouldn't spend the dough to become official.
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
Good luck with the clan.

Though I always found Clans involving or named after a instagib mod seems a bit weird.

GL Anyways!
It would seem that we're dead, is that true...?
If not, then get your asses in gear,we have some training to do! =D
Please join the gta sa myth busters union here:
dont be dead guys!
ill contribute but i dont have many tcs
You were the first clan that accepted me and i dont want it to become a wannabe clan
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks