guys i must announce something that is painful for me to say
its been a fun ride but i have felt you have never been putting in any effort toward being official
so it is with a heavy heart that i resign from Lightningfencers to make my own clan with Friends488
hopefully we can still be allies
all the best,
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
well im not leaving for real, but like on the temporary side so i can get my clan up and running.
I will still have the L_F tag on. I hope that you can still consider me a member
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks
An honorary member?! I'm an honorary MUFFIN. I think we should do that. "For those who have shown great valor and bravery in the Ring." Or "would Fight for Food."
Sweet free crap!
Help me out man if u think i want some cool swag for an extremly poor toribasher
dont be dead guys!
ill contribute but i dont have many tcs
You were the first clan that accepted me and i dont want it to become a wannabe clan
I only care about love. I've ridden the TARDIS. Boxsucks