lol cool. u didn't even view them <3. I watched one of the madmans. was gr8 loved that decap. too bad there wasn't more frames for increased madness. overall the one I saw was great. ill be sure to check the rest out
Sup horde feags? Eatoon I choose you! Coyote I love you so much, bb <3. Your guy's clan is quite big...I do believe you should make an application thingy majig...anyway I might, MIGHT apply for this clan.
Sup horde feags? Eatoon I choose you! Coyote I love you so much, bb <3. Your guy's clan is quite big...I do believe you should make an application thingy majig...anyway I might, MIGHT apply for this clan.
You totally should. <3 You'll be loved by us. Also, we have an application thread. :L It's freeform though... Is it fair if I automatically say yes? :l