People have prepaid for textures, yeah?

Demonkiller: If you will not have the money to pay for people's prepaid boosters within a week, refund them.

Or else.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
actuly the only people that have payed me are a certain 3 and there refunds are being worked on becayse i didnt expect so many customers
Also Anyone who has orderd over a 100 booster who has paid is getting a refund and no one who has order over 100 is getting because im takingt over 100 out of my list
Last edited by Demonkiller; Jan 4, 2009 at 02:50 PM.
So are we exactly when are we getting our refunds
or even better
our boosters
it cant be that hard to refund
just look through all the tc sent to you and give the amount sent back
unless you spent it all
sbeen a month

Demonkiller's statistics
Account:Toricredits: 13351.00
Rank: 592
you dont even have the money
Very disturbing new unless theres some storage
Last edited by wootkill; Jan 10, 2009 at 05:54 AM.
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
Originally Posted by Demonkiller View Post
actuly the only people that have payed me are a certain 3 and there refunds are being worked on becayse i didnt expect so many customers
Also Anyone who has orderd over a 100 booster who has paid is getting a refund and no one who has order over 100 is getting because im takingt over 100 out of my list

I would like my 60k back then thanks.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
actuly the only people that have payed me are a certain 3 and there refunds are being worked on
so only a specific 3 are getting refunds while you go spend our tc?|
very very sad
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag