Originally Posted by
i think i fucking hate leblanc
everytime i go against her as an adc i get deleted
To be honest the only thing you can do it try to predict her dash and dodge it with a mobility spell, and if you're an immobile adc, then you're pretty much screwed, try and sit behind the tanks
Originally Posted by
First time, it took less than 200 games. Second time (I was reminded I got placed in B5 and stopped Ranked at Silver V this season), took about 50 games. About 100% of those 50 games were premade with my fag friends.
Yes, that is a terrible fucking record. You'll probably do better.
I'm not so sure man. I've never been into the depths of bronze before, the lowest I've been placed was Silver 2, and I finished the season in Gold 3. From what I've heard Bronze is a pretty tough place.
I might play with some friends, but I'll mainly be going solo queue.
So far I'm 3/1 and have 45 LP, MMR sits at 1088, when I got placed it was 1264.