guys i just got level 3 and i have enuf for a champion who do i buy i have 1678
I kinda don't understand why People pick flat ap runes over ap per Level runes.
Are you People nuts :V
Ap champs have a week early mostly so you really dont benefit too well from the flat ap at the start and at lvl 6 your flat ap glyphs and your ap per Level glyphs are even.
So everything above Level 6 is playing into your favor.
Same with health per Level and what not.
Bronze is pretty easy if you have any mechanics at all tbh. You should always win lane/outjungle. The only way bronze is kind of hard is if you have no runes, even then you should be able to snowball yourself around level 5-9.
I've won my lane every single time I've played in bronze this season(even with supports that have the brain capacity of a nut). The hardest part of bronze is getting your teammates to communicate, respond to pings, be aware and try to carry them.
2 games I've played were literally 2v5 pretty much every team fight, me and my supp got fed early while my other lanes fed.
Summary: In bronze the enemy is not your main problem, it's your allies