Secret Santa 2024
Welcome to the Soak Squad...(yeah, maybe I can think of something better).
It's good but you just used a google image and added text. The text is well done with the blood splatter but don't say it's 100% yours or you will get some nasty messages.
Also, I found some Soak related logos (all made by kradoxtb). But I couldn't find our first logo, which is a shame.

Old Logos

I had some good sessions today Went on an 11 kill streak on public lenshu, played a few jousting games with Dr_Who and just had fun in general.
By the way, how long has it been since we applied for official? I feel like it's been over 4 weeks but I'm not sure.
Originally Posted by MaNKiDDo22 View Post
So..I am a new member of this clan. I am willing to do everything my seniors tell me to do. I will not EVER let this clan down, even if it means losing my power in ToriBash. I may be young, but Judo is my #1 Passion. Trust me on anything, I will keep it.

Welcome to the clan! Sounds like you'll be a big asset. Do you play judofrac much?
I found the background on google, created the text in graffiti creator and used picmonkey to do some editing stuff
Originally Posted by Vorlons View Post
Welcome to the clan! Sounds like you'll be a big asset. Do you play judofrac much?

Well I do play Judo soo much but not Judofrac. Soo yeah
Last edited by MaNKiDDo22; Nov 10, 2014 at 03:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Judo Is My Passion||Judo Is My Skill
Mankiddo22 , befire you make a avatar shop . Tell on the first page where your title is that you c/p and edit because if you don't do it you might get a warning like i got
also i made a new cover and this time it's metal + you can see my beard because it's Movember lml
Last edited by kakajade_old; Nov 10, 2014 at 04:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
@Kaka, thats awesome! It sound's like metal music I normally hear from like, professional bands. Or maybe they are a bit faster, but thats pretty legit and as far as movember goes, I have a growing mustache but it's not much hair. I'm only fourteen.

@Animati0n, thank you. Though can you try to not strike up conversations that make you look like an outsider. No hate, just saying.

@SoakSquad, sorry for not posting much but I just haven't had the time with trying to write a manga and homework shit and today a random physics test came up and I probably failed to be honest. I appreciate the support we are getting from anybody but if we don't get official this time round at least we get a 25,000TC refund so we don't start from the bottom. From there we can think of what we need to improve and make sure you we are really ready for official. Going to go to sleep now, good night (I may post while in bed cause when I say i'm going to sleep I am just going on my phone).
Thanks kradel ^^ , maybe i will look for a other song similair to the one i posted . My e snare was broken today and it almost cutted in my hand . I felt the snare snaping my hand but i was lucky , i only saw a red stripe .
a guitar has 6 string ( EADGBe) and my e string is the smallest one . it almost cut in my hand . I only had a red stripe on my hand .