Actually I don't find that true zeus, seeing as recruitment, for the most part, after the recruiter has found the recruitee they send in an application. At that point the baton is passed to the whole of the clan who vote a yes or no. So tell me if I am wrong, but recruiters are basically scouts. They scout for new members. I see what Master is saying. The council and prime chancellor take inside matters and talk about them and do votes or whatever else is needed. But the recruiters are basically talent scouts.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying recruiting is an easy job, I'm just saying recruiting is just that, finding players to recruit. Where the council and prime chancellor have the job of basically putting through ideas or keeping order, etc. Of course anything can really be overturned by you, but so could recruitments.
Edit: also, of course the recruiters also have the power to just invite people into the clan that they think belong here as well. The order just seems a little misplaced imo.
Last edited by Slaybelle; Sep 12, 2014 at 02:33 AM.