So does anyone have a detailed list on what counters riven or what match ups favor her and destroy her? Coming from someone who had only played aram for the last 2 year's. I don't really understand her landing phase anymore. I'm mechanically good with her, and if I some how manage to make it passed the first 15 minutes without getting dumpstered on, I do extremely well at a high plat low diamond level. But it's getting passed the laning which I struggle.
I was told not knowing the capabilities of the enemy might make me lose, I went one game against darius , knowing if I saw him use his q and or w on a minion it's great time to throw in some damage, but I proceeded to get shit on. Finished like 4/11/6, next game went against a shen, I held out to about 12-14 minute mark, and I started to shit on him, and carried the game, 16/3/13, and I would have thought shen counters more than darius with his global presence and extreme tankiness. But I faired quite well. Game after that I went jungle riven, was against a Warwick jungle, I didn't so much try to gank, I just kept wards up in river and tried to counter gank him with his immobility. I did great that time to with 15/4/8. But the second I lose or something puts me behind I'm out of the game for the most part.
Does anyone have any general tip on successfully doing well in lane with applying pressure and still keeping up on cs? I tend to lack the knowledge of laning against people and coming out on top if not a little behind. And as riven, you can't afford to get behind
And I had a friend that's in low challenger practice my landing as riven top lane, he played some counters like garen, and some who were match ups, and those who were weak so I got a feel for what it's like to play against them, and it helped and all, but he's a mid support main, so there are definitely people out there that would shit on me if they played what he played and did good