The thing that disappointing me most is that this is a good looking clan.
I was hoping that it would fail miserably so that box would join my clan. But it looks as if he will never join now.
Even though he sucks at aikido.
Anyways, keep up the good stuff guys.
I'm still considering sponsoring your event.
Heh, thanks.
Any donation is appreciated for the event, we've got about 170k to go until I can launch it. (At least with the prizes I'd like)
EDIT: mumbleohalsopanzersoulisinhewon4-5matchesffffffmumble
Don't worry about Box, he was fondled and rape by me at birth.
Also congratz on getting in bro o7
Oh okay. Well posting more words so it doesn't break the rules.
Anywho. Wallclimbing is fun.
Oh no i posted four words wutdo?
But i think this rule is pretty good.
/jo syn (you could be earlier there because my connection is doing pretty weird.)