So I've been stuck at 800 ELO for a while now (don't even know how considering I'm above-average at both HoN and LoL) and decided to do something about my rating. Played 3 matches today and won them all, 0-1-20 as soraka, 7-2-23 as malphite and iirc something like 7-2-15 as gangplank, I won't be playing any normal games until I get my ELO up to atleast 1500 and depending on how i'm feeling i'll let it sit there or try to get it up.
It's kind of nice playing ranked, but at the ELO i'm currently at it's just full of your typical 800 psr players, most of them not speaking english and ignoring team comp completely, instant locking champions like veigar, yorick and laning shacos/warwicks. I've heard it gets better once I hit the 1200 range so I'm hoping to get up to that in atleast two weeks.
I'd play with you but I'm confused as to who you are on LoL again, whenever I message TopShadow on league of legends they say it's not you. o: