Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Too late, all places are taken already :<

Not entirely true. There are two spots left actually. There was a larger clan participation there than erth had expected, so he is trying to gather 32 clans instead of 16. So yeah get on it you scallywags. ;d
But why's the rum gone? :v
As I said, I'm up for it, we still need one more guy, thou.

Saint, Scorp, Powas and Jtank, that addicted faeg (+some additional polfags) play Fallout tactics. Damn, it's fun.
If anyone wants to play with us, you need the game + patch 1.27 + gameranger.
Reminder: does not support piracy, please don't post here torrents of any kind, nor ask for them, unless you want to get your account banned.

Note no.2, got a PM from one clanless cool cat, he may or may not join in few following hours/days. If he does, welcome him as only waffles can.
Note to that guy: You're free to make yourself a thread so we can flood it with welcome msgs.

EDIT: Fuck this shit, I've applied for Best Man. I'll force you to play if I must.
Prepare your anuses.
Last edited by Powas; Feb 22, 2013 at 11:35 AM.