Here ya go Nitor.. some more goodies
The guy said this in return
"Oh, I get it. You're upset because you didnt get picked for co-leader. I COULDNT POSSIBLY IMAGINE WHY.
Get off your high horsed grudge-fest and think, ya idiot. I don't need more reasons, because you're just going to be a biased ass-sore and dispute everything with me.
You aren't special, stop bitching."
I said this in reply
"You shouldn't be acting so wildly, this is a discussion, not a fight.
I wasn't upset about not being picked. I was upset because of the idiotic decision of hosting a poll when the votes aren't being considered. A fair leader takes everything into consideration. As you can see, I'm doing just fine without a co-leader position, because in the clan I am in currently, I don't need that rank for my opinions and thoughts to be pondered on. Nor have I ever mentioned in my reply that I am special.
As you probably have noticed already, you are quite far from being a co-leader. That must explain why you are very inexperienced when it comes to debates like this.
One can only suck someones dick for so long, I suggest summing this up before you puncture something in your throat."