Hey guys, I just wanted to ask you guys a question . So, I asked if I could apply for GM the other day, and Cheshyre said yes. I was wondering if any of you guys have applied before and have any tips for me? And yes, I know, they rarely accept, but theres no problem with trying. Anyway, cya
I got this from 9gag
You do want to make it long. After all it is GM you are applying for. All I can say is best of luck to you.
a simple tutorial for the app.
I got this from 9gag
tl;dr: don't write anything unnecessary.
long app ≠ decent
Hmmmmm..... Is there any possible way I can take back what I said? Anything I can do? Because, the main reason I was going to leave, Is because me and a friend wanted to make a clan. I have realise now though, that this clan would take a lot of work to get the 15k and, to be honest, I don't want to do that. I realise this is my, well, second offense AGAINST you guys. So, if you don't really want me in your clan anymore, I get that. But, if you do, I sincerely thank you.
4 days record time :/ . with all do respect i didnt really see you staying to long anyway so this doesnt surprise me. also im pretty sure logic is a clan already.
Wait, was it really just 4 days? I didn't realize you were only here for that long.
Well you said you were leaving, now you've got to show that you're actually committed to Origin. Anyway that's up to the others.