Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
I mean, he was pretty broken so...........

I mean, The nerfs didn't do very much at all. PenJhin and CritJhin are still pretty potent and the nerf was essentially a buff. It left Jhin in a place where his ult is actually stronger when executing; however any squishy can still die to the standard W-Ult Combo. Here's a take on it, a Jhin player explained it pretty well. Plus, the w nerf was like .2 lol

Originally Posted by Person
Think about it from a mathematical point. Exactly how much base damage did they nerf from the skill (R). At rank 1, only 10 damage a shot was taken. At max rank, only 40 damage per shot, which is the equivalent to 160 damage if all shots land. If the target has decent armor, the damage reduction is huge. That's why I said a tank won't really feel it. But for someone who effectively doesn't have any armor. Or only has like 5 or 10. 120 damage is barely a reduction at all, and you're getting a massive increase in damage for every 1% of health they are missing. So yes, if you land your shots an adc, who only has like 1300-1700 hp, and you're building armor pen build, you will still make them poetry. The W and first two shots might get them down to around half maybe a little over. 3rd should put them below 40 where your mastery will kick in and give you even more damage, and that 4th shot, with 60% of their health gone, will end them.
That's if you're even. If you're ahead you might only need to land 3. but in any case you'll need to land your 4th shot if you're trying to take them from 100 to 0.

He's a low mobility ADC (if you don't go CritJhin) that can easily get caught out by assassins, but does pack insane damage. He's not really broken, or he'd be nerfed to the ground long ago. But no less broken than a lot of other champions. He has a lot of hard matchups in lane. The nerf hurts but Jhin players and people that don't play Jhin are exaggerating it.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
I was supposed to get outta gold 4 then my fucking teammates ff'd before i last hit the fucking enemy nexus. feels bad. thats why i hate LoL as a team-shit game. jesus christ dude.
3698 PM me if you want to see a secret.
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
stop whining and take advice from your own avatar >:|

i cant get out of silver 3 lmao

lol I'm also in silver 3

want to duo? for a few games?
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Tfw me and Jingles were supposed to Duo for the longest and it never happened.

nerd never even added me

I'll be Silver 4 within the next few hours (Hopefully). My Jhin is my savior for this elo. (65% win rate atm :o)
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
You do realize saying "higher dps" at the expense of "lower attack speed" is counter intuitive, right?

DPS is damage per second, which means the burst of damage that shiv provides has to be measured against the time it takes to reproc the shiv, which might mean a 20 point increase to DPS, while an attack speed increase adds a percentage modifier to multiple components of dps, by increasing the rate of crit procs and increasing the number of attacks in general, which cumulatively will lead to more damage in the long run.

PD is the better long term purchase on the sole principle that multipliers are better than static increases in the long run.

Its 3am and I'm tired ASF but I already agreed that PD was a very fair build item, but that I just prefer the Statikk Shiv I'm no high elo go but the amount of other Yas's I've dumped on with all manner of builds including PD builds IDC about the 10% attackspeed from PD over Statikk, remember the statikk proc can crit and relative to the values of lvling Q for hit and run style trades it out weighs the PD's latent MS and minor damage negation. To equate DPS there are more values than dam/attackspeed = DPS atleast to me you need to equate other factors including the ablity to maintain an auto attack based consistency that would make that minor attackspeed bonus worth it. Yas doesnt really benifit 100% from it unless you have Fervor Keystone. You have to also consider matchups that would disallow you to maintain an auto attack basis worth getting it for Mobile/Self peeling. In the end I see most attackspeed past to point of Zerk and Staik dead as it doesnt add anything to the cd of your Q or help land extra hits between nado or before Ult.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Wait, you're still Silver V?

No, I was Silver 4 for a bit then I demoted. I keep making the mistake of queuing with friends and goofing off. Now I'm stuck in Silver 5, because I can't carry games when every other lane is feeding.

Look at this.

Last game

I was 7/0 by time laning phase was over. At that time Kassadin and Yi were 2/6 and 1/4 respectively. Akali was 8/2. From there it was all over. Akali carried them and It got to the point where whenever we grouped we

A. Got Akali and all died to the rest of them.

B. Got Quadra'd by Akali

C. Killed the enemy team excluding Akali (because she wasn't there)

Of course we lost. :^) That's my story of elo hell. Turns out Akali claimed to be a Plat 2 Akali Main. But still.


In Jingles we trust
Last edited by Retro; Aug 28, 2016 at 04:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
lol I'm also in silver 3

want to duo? for a few games?

u play in PH? i could, but not today. Tomorrow i'm free doe

anyway i got demoted to s4 again, at 33 lp atm, same old same old. i'll get back to silver three within today hopefully

i just really can't climb out of silver. I play mid and i play bad, i play good ol' thresh and my teammates play bad whyy

also i got quadra kata yesterday at ranked
Last edited by Lust; Aug 28, 2016 at 06:47 AM.