Christmas Lottery
ok so who started a war with future and didnt finish it i can now not war sinon until someone cancels or finished
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
You guys should make a thread on the support section maybe someone can help you.

Originally Posted by Zeus View Post
thats we here your wrong cause not all of us are having this problem.

Zeus I hope one day in your life you'll learn what a joke is. Seriously, why so serious?
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
Zeus I hope one day in your life you'll learn what a joke is. Seriously, why so serious?

dude im gonna ask you nicly AGAIN to please stop posting here, you are a threat to our social society here, and you are just a plain jerk. If you dont stop posting here im gonna have to bring a moderator into this, and it's not gonna look good on your part
calm down boys, (s)he's chill ... if you grow thicker skin and got his her jokes.
Sometimes people do rude jokes and this is kinda funny
Originally Posted by AverageArtist View Post
dude im gonna ask you nicly AGAIN to please stop posting here, you are a threat to our social society here, and you are just a plain jerk. If you dont stop posting here im gonna have to bring a moderator into this, and it's not gonna look good on your part

You never asked me anything, first off, and second: the only threat to your social society is your mindset that I'm a shitty person. If you can't handle a little tough love, I don't understand how you survive in the real world. and if you REALLY cant handle my passive-aggressiveness, you should contact hanz0, as he actually does his job properly.

If you can provide me ample reason as to why I shouldn't post here, beside the fact that 90% of you have thin skin, then I'll leave. I doubt you'll be capable of that, as all you have done thus far is inform me that you dislike me. That doesn't fly in the real world, so consider this a life lesson of sorts. <3

Also hi, Fluttershy. How I have missed you.
Last edited by Grohenbird; Oct 28, 2014 at 02:01 PM.
I think I might be retired.
Meh I don't mind some of your posts, but the rest of the time you just come here to bait and/or annoy others. Anywhere else that would be fine, but here... it's not what the thread is for eh?

Also you say that stuff about life lessons, etc, to an extent i get that, but if someone comes into your house and starts making a bunch of sarcastic comments/baiting you, you can't tell me you wouldn't ask them to leave.
It is basically the same thing here, this is Origins home, your welcome in, until you piss off those inside.
Last edited by Blue; Oct 28, 2014 at 02:18 PM.
Well it is a public place. If I were to say do this in your private board (yes I still have the password) then I would understand, but threatening me with infractions because you can't handle criticism isn't how the world operates.
I think I might be retired.