myghad everytime i get to silver 3 i get shitty teammates and get domoted back to silver 4, 4 LOSS STREAK. Currently at 43 lp at silver 4, how do i escape!!!??!?!?!
Maybe spend some time not playing ranked and just playing the game. There is no magic pill or trick to magically climb leagues, you just need to get good enough to carry yourself out.
sometimes it really is your team's fault though
but its usually just a communication error, which is why I tend to double ping now since just one doesn't get through to people who are tunneling.
Normally in a game one person will carry and he/she will be the one blaming others. You will rarely swe the entire team doing the same
14 straight wins with fiddlesticks, I haven't lost since I got surprise party from hextech crafting, It must be the skin. Went from level 1 mastery to level 5 mastery and we still goin baby. In promos for gold 3 now and it's only been a week(but a lot of games admittedly) since I started the climb from gold 5 up to plat. After 4 days of getting back into it i'm back to my old self and getting better. Oh and aurelion sol is freelo also.
Fiddle Diddle
Edit: 15 wins straight
Edit2: 16 wins straight(getting better too, im 12-2-18 in the past 2 wins)
Edit3: 17 wins straight
Edit4: 18 wins straight, playing with plat 5 players now, and just had a perfect game. Going to sleep gonna update tomorrow.
I lost my promos to GOLD 1
All yasuo players are trash lmfao
Kids be doing Malphite - Yasuo "combo" pffffffffft.