Hey Rawwrh!
its me RickTick
can someone fill me up on the meta, havent seen a patch note since the beginning of summer.
I think meta is...
Oh shit, I have no clue either. I just went in a random game as Lee Sin and did terrible.
I dont get why people buy relic shield for thresh, i'm very used to buying ancient coin and building talisman on him, as it gives cdr and is a great item for escaping\chasing. Sure, the relic shield might give good earlygame sustain for both you and your adc but the 40 sec cd bugs me, and i keep forgetting the face of the mountain shield
What do you guys build on the warden? I go talisman of Ascension, mobility boots, solari, sightstone, either banshee's or randuin's depending on enemy lineup, and a warmog's for lategame sustain.
Yeah relic isn't that good for heals anymore after the nerf but if you're going into normals and don't know your adc i'd still take shield over coin on him even if the heals are a bit more shitty now it's still the safer pick + you can tank a bit better but what spells do you guys take on him usually take flash and exhaust or ignite.
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I remember playing with a very bad thresh player who went ancient coin. He didnt know how to harass, he kept on hiding on a bush, and he started q instead of e.