I almost always go warding jungle item and never go cinderhulk in soloQ unless i'm playing nunu or something that doesn't do damage anyway and needs the cinder passive for clear speeds. You want to be carrying as hard as possible.
I've ganked lanes at level 2 and given them the kill and then came back and gave them another free kill and they STILL get solo killed. Most lower elo(bronze to mid diamond) players don't know wave control/power spikes/vision control/trade mechanics(they might know and execute one or two of these methods well, but all 4 plus more are essential for taking full advantage of a lead) well enough to take full advantage of leads you give them. Even though you probably don't understand how to push the lead as a jungler either assuming you aren't master or challenger I'd still rather take two kills and then just invade the enemy jungler all game and get vision and win the game that way. Unless you're like zac, eve, rek'sai, j4, etc and you literally rely on ganking to do anything or your ganks are above average then i would recommend focusing on winning jungle as if it were a solo lane, at least in low elo. Level 2 cheesing is a really good idea in lower elo also, just learn the general ward spots, avoid them, and walk in and steal the buff with smite, but don't fuck up your timing because if you get there and they've already cleared their 2nd camp then you just wasted a lot of time and depending on whether or not the jungler has cc or some kind of dash or hop at level 2 you may have to burn flash.
Basically aim to be the main carry of every game and you will climb faster than if you just gamble on your teammates actually being competent.