Pharos timer.
Pharos emote color.

Asking this since the market price for all pharos misc is quite confusing.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by HiiRNTOAST View Post
Full 128,
Pharos Force,

full 128: 28k-32k
pharos force: 15k-20k
Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post
warrior force
plat lax

warrior force: 14k-20k
plat lax: 20k-26k
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Pharos timer.
Pharos emote color.

Asking this since the market price for all pharos misc is quite confusing.

People like these timers because the colour is very similiar to pure and doesn't need qi so the price is high for this

timer: 15k-22k
emote: 2k-5k
Hey guys, I've chosen to do a bit more out of my appraises. I've added more information about the items; Side + Background information and Totals of the items worth (if multiple). I hope it helps.

Guys, some of you have been PM'ing me about prices, I appreciate it and I will appraise them as good as I can, but I think you would get a quicker response here since more people check this thread than they check my PM's. Feel free to PM me if you really think that's better, though.

Oh, and don't hesitate to ask me if you see me ingame.

Originally Posted by RepentNow View Post
Full mysterio

40-55k. Many of Sagemsk prices are not up to date. Vidicelit's prices are ALWAYS incredibly high.

Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post
Imperial Ghost,Relax,Force and Blood
and this set


Ghost: 7-13k. Low Circulation.
Relax: 17-21k. Semi-low Circulation.
Force: 20-26k. Normal Circulation.
Blood:8-12.5k. Low Circulation.

Total minimum price: 52k.
Total maximum price: 72.5k.
Total average price: 62.25k.

Set: Toxik told you on previous page. (50k)

Originally Posted by RepentNow View Post
Full Cobra

18-23k. You might be able to get more if you split it up, seeing as the Cobra joints are incredibly overpriced in market at the moment.

Originally Posted by DarkG View Post
what about velvet ghost ?
there's none on market

Low Circulation. 7-13k. Would do well on an auction. It was in market for 5k a couple of days ago, was bought for 4k from RKG.

Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post
Velvet Force and Lax

Force: 30-42k, Semi-Low Circulation.. It was about 30k in market for a very long time but I recall Jire buying a lot of them so they are now incredibly high in market. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Relax: 20-25k, Semi-Low in Circulation. I believe the price was also raised for this item, but not so long ago.

Total minimum price: 50k.
Total maximum price: 67k.
Total average price: 58.5k.

Originally Posted by HiiRNTOAST View Post
Full 128,
Pharos Force,

Full 128: 30-32k. The breast texture just fell 150 TC in value, thereby changing Full 128's price slightly. Hands, feet and heads sell best.

Pharos force: 17-20k, Normal in Circulation, Popular color.

Total minimum price: 47k.
Total maximum price: 52k.
Total average price: 49.5k

Originally Posted by Aero121 View Post
warrior force
plat lax

Warrior force: 14-19k, Semi-low Circulation, Not very popular color. It was recently very high in market but has dropped over 10k in the past one or two weeks.

Platinum Relax: 22-26k. It's popularity gives it a raise in it's price but it's high in circulation which drags the price down a bit. Still sells for a good price nonetheless.


Total minimum price: 36k
Total maximum price: 45k
Total average price: 40.5k

Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Pharos timer.
Pharos emote color.

Asking this since the market price for all pharos misc is quite confusing.

Yes, the Pharos misc is incredibly high currently. There are three ways you can tell if it's too high.

Important tips

1) You can try and check the joint prices and compare it to the misc. Misc is not worth more than joints.

2) Check the date that the item was added to market (hold your mouse over the box where it says the item's name). If it's been there for a long time (like 3 weeks) it's most likely overpriced since no one has bought it.

3) Check the Torishop price. If you feel something is too high in market, ALWAYS check the torishop price before you buy it. Like, Sapphire force is 30k in market right now, and it's only 15k in torishop.

Pharos timer: 6-13k, Semi-low Circulation, not a very popular item.

Pharos emote color: 4-7k, Low Circulation, not very popular. Dge has it in market for a very reasonable price.


Total minimum price: 10k.
Total maximum price: 20k.
Total average price: 15k.

Originally Posted by tyler112 View Post
full aqua ?

5-6.5k. Cheap full sets are easy to sell, but Full Aqua is relatively overpriced in market at the moment.
Last edited by Dragonbreath; Jan 18, 2012 at 11:24 PM.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Full pure: 37-43k. Not many has the QI for it so it's kind of hard to sell, although the marketeers are currently looking for something like this. It's also overpriced in market, Firebolty had it in market for 40k-ish for a long time, and just took it out.

Full Radioactive: Okay, so. Check the joints prices. Check the full set's price. Doesn't really match, does it?. 10-14k.

Full Marine: 4-6.5k. It's overpriced in market right now but it's still pretty easy to sell.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth