Name: Kevin
Age: 17
Belt: 2nd Dan
GMT: Eastern ( GMT-5 )
Past Clans: BoS, Sin
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Idk if this will help but I play some other games with a competitive attitude if the clan spreads beyond toribash. I can also whip up some 8-bit, 16-bit, or chiptune themes if that helps at all.
Player Card:
I couldn't for the sake of my life get this right ;_;
[IMG] png</IMG>
Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any):
Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): CarbonKing (Nick)[He's out of tori now]
Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): akido, judo
About Yourself:
Gaming has been a part of me very early on, not much to explain but it's like my sport. I try to keep competitive in any game i play for the obvious, to win. However I'll still be easygoing as long as nobody is throwing my game [which is probably not applicable to toribash]
Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]:
I like toribash but I lack reason to play it. I can't single handed become one of the best players in toribash. A couple of years ago i joined Sin, and it was a great clan, i joined some other clan before, brotherhood of steel, but it wasn't like Sin. I felt like it was my home gaming community. However the clan split when League of Legends came by, and well I had no grounds in toribash anymore and i lost cause to play it. So i followed my clan members CarbonKing and Uberis into LOL. It was fun at first but it got competitive, and Uberis would get pissed and not even talk to me and blame me for everything (she's a horrible person ;_;), and Nick (carbonking) kinda was like, meh. So i got detatched from my clan, am losing footing in LOL and would like to find some reason to play toribash. I applied for Fish and they asked me to write a song about a purple cow, and I did it. ;_; . So now I'm applying for Evo in hopes of finding a home gaming community because I'm losing ground.
What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo]:
Competitive play, expand tori so it can be regarded as competitive, expand my gaming community to cover vast arrays of games to spread fame and recognition. Stop laughing, seriously.
I would post replays but I've lost my collection over the years and haven't been able to make anything good at the time.
Anyhow I saw that you guys are not accepting any applications but I was wondering if you could make an exception. I promise I won't drag your community behind, and do my best to advance it.