Originally Posted by
It's his second offense of selling a stolen head.
And he get's perma-banned
since when does that result in a perma-ban what kind of shit are the GMs running. I think danny id the most chill out of all of them. I mean look at some of the descriptions and then look at the reason. like some of them make me feel lucky as shit I wasn't perma-banned. if I was ever perma-banned I would never go back in game. I would give up on the game because there is no way I would do another 5k games again just to get back to where I was. now, I would still be forum active tho. but in game you could forget it my game drive would be totally gone.
Originally Posted by
Umm, yeah wtf?
I didn't hear anything about either that position, or Optimus' promotion.
Also, someone in that position needs to be both forum and in-game active, and I barely see him on the forums.
And if he did quit, how did he get re-invited, and then promoted? Seems kinda counter-intuitive.
Didn't expect that haha.
Does someone want to just kick him then?
I have no clue how he got ranked up so high. others tell me:
" he was mad that he couldn't rank up any higher so he left"
"him and zeus fought so he left"
He tells me:
" he and zeus fought so he left" (hasn't told me what exactly it was about)
" he realized it was a dumb mistake to leave and came back"
" upon returning zeus said he made a new spot in the ranks and that he could have it because - Quote on Quote- 'he needed AOTHER co-ldr' "
My concerns:
-personally, I don't think hes ready for it.
-professionally, he has yet to show the personality and character needed for co-ldr or anything close.
- this is so outta-the-blue idk if its even a real thing.
- WTF happened to voting on this. because in the description I clealy states "The clan will have a poll for desired candidates and if the votes are good that candidate will get the job."
-who is the new War leader
- might as well have just made him co-ldr its pretty much the same thing minus the moderation of forums, and the rank status.
- we already have 2 co-ldrs sooo idk where this is going.
My statement: this isn't Pokémon bro you cant just level up when you feel like It you have to work for these things.
Last edited by Angel_old1; Nov 9, 2014 at 04:30 AM.