Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by oOFateOo View Post
I have no clue how he got ranked up so high. others tell me:
" he was mad that he couldn't rank up any higher so he left"
"him and zeus fought so he left"
He tells me:
" he and zeus fought so he left" (hasn't told me what exactly it was about)
" he realized it was a dumb mistake to leave and came back"
" upon returning zeus said he made a new spot in the ranks and that he could have it because - Quote on Quote- 'he needed AOTHER co-ldr' "
My concerns:
-personally, I don't think hes ready for it.
-professionally, he has yet to show the personality and character needed for co-ldr or anything close.
- this is so outta-the-blue idk if its even a real thing.
- WTF happened to voting on this. because in the description I clealy states "The clan will have a poll for desired candidates and if the votes are good that candidate will get the job."
-who is the new War leader
- might as well have just made him co-ldr its pretty much the same thing minus the moderation of forums, and the rank status.
- we already have 2 co-ldrs sooo idk where this is going.

My statement: this isn't Pokémon bro you cant just level up when you feel like It you have to work for these things.

Yeah I agree, not really sure how you get a promotion like that, and there was no discussion or anything. I mean, isn't that what the council is for? XD

Originally Posted by oOFateOo View Post


Originally Posted by Jaxonia View Post
So, hello members of Origin. I know this is kind of a random appearance, and you may not like me all that well, but I was wondering if we could be allies. My clan is progressing along at the speed of light, and in just 7 days we have achieved rank 29. I have always thought of you guys as a great clan, and my time with you was great. It is for these reasons I hope to become allies with you. Goodbye Origin.

Eh, I don't really know your clan, and I don't really remember you (Not being rude, just sayin'), so I'll stay neutral.

Don't we have a thread for these kinds of things?
Last edited by Blue; Nov 9, 2014 at 05:37 AM.
Originally Posted by Blue View Post
Yeah I agree, not really sure how you get a promotion like that, and there was no discussion or anything. I mean, isn't that what the council is for? XD


Eh, I don't really know your clan, and I don't really remember you (Not being rude, just sayin'), so I'll stay neutral.

Don't we have a thread for these kinds of things?

is kyure alive?
Originally Posted by Jaxonia View Post
My clan is progressing along at the speed of light, and in just 7 days we have achieved rank 29.

Aeon in 5 years = unranked
We don't nesacarily have to be official allies. But I don't wanna war and get cussed out by Origin. See what I'm saying?
Oh, and Blue. You don't know my clan because you have never seen it. I was a former Origin member.
Last edited by Jaxon; Nov 9, 2014 at 06:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm just gamin' man
Originally Posted by Blue View Post
Yeah I agree, not really sure how you get a promotion like that, and there was no discussion or anything. I mean, isn't that what the council is for? XD


Eh, I don't really know your clan, and I don't really remember you (Not being rude, just sayin'), so I'll stay neutral.

Don't we have a thread for these kinds of things?

I don't even think bercat or satan were consulted before this went on. this is nothing on zeus' part because in general it doesn't sound like something he would do without telling either Me, bercat, or satan... or Anyone in that matter. almost all promotions -except ldr ofc- in general belong in the councils jurisdiction.
can someone invite this alt to the clan and give it my position next to my main so I can do my job :/ correctly until my mains ban gets lifted.
Originally Posted by oOFateOo View Post
can someone invite this alt to the clan and give it my position next to my main so I can do my job :/ correctly until my mains ban gets lifted.

I'll invite, i can't do much else I think.

Edit: nevermind, apparently I don't have invite privileges?
Last edited by Slaybelle; Nov 9, 2014 at 04:43 PM.